The new south wicket of JR Shibuya Station moves and runs business!
On Sunday, July 21, ceremony in commemoration of beginning to use and the move of new south wicket opening of business of new station building of JR Shibuya Station was performed, and tape cutting and taking a ceremonial photograph were performed.
After wicket move, you became able to access two homes of Yamanote Line and Saikyo Line directly, and convenience improved. Furthermore, Shibuya stream led to Shibuya cherry blossoms stage, the left to the right when we went out the wicket, and access to east and west of Shibuya Station south side area improved, too.
We apply temporary wall in (tentative name) Shibuya Station south exit north side free passage in front of wicket and display the change around Shibuya Station with panel. As you can see completion planned completion image panel in 2026, please see when we go along the new south wicket by all means.